

Moving Meals

When reading my faded yellow legal pads, I found several poems I wrote while eating lunch. Not surprisingly, food was my most popular topic, but there were a few about God or my late dog Buster. For months I sat on these poems with the hopes to read them at an poetry open mic after the virus passes. After being laid off in December, I gained the determination to publish the poems. Moving Meals full article

Early Story Writing

After months of writing dialog for an audio drama, I came to a grinding halt. Most of my writing came through an inside-out process, where I jumped into a conversation with a specific inspiration and found a flow. What came out are inconsistent sections that I later glued together into a scene. What didn’t come out were the important parts of a story. What does the main character want? What is driving the action? Early Story Writing full article

First Now

My mindfulness practice began on a bridge in a crowded bus headed north towards the city. It was an ordinary day. Sensations of body odors, hissing brakes, flashing yellow lights, piney cannabis, and a cold seat brought me to my breath. Breathing in gave me the insight that I was alive. I surrendered the next for the then, and suddenly I found myself beside God. After sailing a ways in this new direction I turned and saw the bend in my wake. First Now full article

Smith Tower

The financer of Smith Tower made plans for a fourteen story building a few blocks from the shores of the Puget Sound. His family convinced him instead to build a tower twice as tall as the King Street Station clock tower. He died before the building was complete. full story When I first heard this story I related to the compromise of a dream. I wondered how I had let others set my expectations for me. Smith Tower full article


A free bus ride light hurried traffic Hungry young text parents Women claim triple shifts “Google, give me delivery” Today full article

Why do I write?

I trust that God intends for me to be happy, and I know that happiness is the way not the destination. Each step of the writing process brings me happiness so I am following the way of writing. Why do I write? full article

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